En un esfuerzo para prevenir la transmisión del coronavirus, los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) recomiendan a todas las personas (incluso aquellas que se sienten sanas) el uso de mascarillas de tela siempre recordando el distanciamiento social a seis pies de distancia.
Esta mascarilla se debe lavar con detergente y luego ponerla a secar bajo el sol o en secadora.Entiendo que esta mascarilla no es un dispositivo médico; es para uso de prevención según las recomendaciones dadas del Gobierno de Puerto Rico y la usaré bajo mi responsabilidad. La salud, seguridad y bienestar es responsabilidad de todos. Nuestro compromiso con nuestros empleados y la comunidad general es nuestra prioridad. Todos formamos parte de la prevención de un posible contagio del COVID-19.
A textile technology that binds chlorine to the fabric surface.
Work in home and industrial laundries (durable through multiple washes)
Recharges after every wash with EPA-registered chlorine bleach
BioSmart has been successfully tested against multiple bacteria and viral strains
BioSmart has passed ISO skin irritation testing and skin sensitization testing
Patented technology US 7,998,886
BioSmart® fabric, when laundered with an EPA-registered chlorine bleach according to care instructions, binds the chlorine to its surface Chlorine Bleach* kills 99.9%** of many common bacteria and viruses, including:
Salmonella choleraesuis
Escherichia coli
Staphylococcus aureus
Hepatitis A
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Durable thru a minimum of 75 industrial and home washes
Why was BioSmart® created?
Hospital acquired infections from MRSA and other drug-resistant microbes continue to increase, resulting in significant cost and risk to the healthcare community
Studies have shown that textiles serve as sites for bacterial contamination
There are limited antimicrobial textile solutions that are both durable and effective against a broad range of bacteria and viruses
Technology enhanced textiles can be a significant contributor to a HAI prevention program
Food illness outbreaks continue to occur, negatively impacting brands and consumer.