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      ¿Cómo ponerse una mascarilla?

      ¿Cómo ponerse una mascarilla?

      En un esfuerzo para prevenir la transmisión del coronavirus, los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) recomiendan a todas las personas (incluso aquellas que se sienten sanas) el uso de mascarillas de tela siempre recordando el distanciamiento social a seis pies de distancia.


      Esta mascarilla se debe lavar con detergente y luego ponerla a secar bajo el sol o en secadora.  Entiendo que esta mascarilla no es un dispositivo médico; es para uso de prevención según las recomendaciones dadas del Gobierno de Puerto Rico y la usaré bajo mi responsabilidad. La salud, seguridad y bienestar es responsabilidad de todos. Nuestro compromiso con nuestros empleados y la comunidad general es nuestra prioridad. Todos formamos parte de la prevención de un posible contagio del COVID-19.

      What is BioSmart®?

      What is BioSmart®?

      • A textile technology that binds chlorine to the fabric surface.
      • Work in home and industrial laundries (durable through multiple washes)
      • Recharges after every wash with EPA-registered chlorine bleach
      • BioSmart has been successfully tested against multiple bacteria and viral strains
      • BioSmart has passed ISO skin irritation testing and skin sensitization testing
      • Patented technology US 7,998,886

      BioSmart® fabric, when laundered with an EPA-registered chlorine bleach according to care instructions, binds the chlorine to its surface
      Chlorine Bleach* kills 99.9%** of many common bacteria and viruses, including:

      • Salmonella choleraesuis
      • Escherichia coli
      • Staphylococcus aureus
      • Hepatitis A
      • Klebsiella pneumoniae
      Durable thru a minimum of 75 industrial and home washes

      Why was BioSmart® created?
      • Hospital acquired infections from MRSA and other drug-resistant microbes continue to increase, resulting in significant cost and risk to the healthcare community
      • Studies have shown that textiles serve as sites for bacterial contamination
      • There are limited antimicrobial textile solutions that are both durable and effective against a broad range of bacteria and viruses
      • Technology enhanced textiles can be a significant contributor to a HAI prevention program
      • Food illness outbreaks continue to occur, negatively impacting brands and consumer.